Box House

Project details

Building Type
Individual house
Application Type
Małgorzata Grabowska, Marta Springer
[pictura] PW141
Special applications
Special shape

Project description

This modern, two-story house was built from seventeen steel modules. The implementation of M & W Construction wonderfully shows that modular construction can be successfully used in residential buildings.

The house combines the current trends in modern architecture and construction. The total usable area of ​​the facility is 216 sq m. A unique element of the entire project is a balcony, which was entirely realized as a single module and delivered to the construction site as a prefabricated element, integrated with the main structure of the building during assembly. It gave dynamics to a simple body of an object, but also showed how to freely shape the form and function of a modular object.

The façade of the building is a great example of combining white, matt EQUITONE [pictura] panels with CORTEN sheet.

Materials used

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