Have you ever thought about using the fixing system as a design feature? EQUITONE makes this possible. We give you the freedom to design. It is up to you to add your signature to your project.
You want to make the fixations part of your design?
On a metal substructure
The panel is face attached to the metal substructure by means of UNI-rivets that can match the colour of the façade. This unique system was developed by our global team of experts and will guarantee you the best possible fixation. Our unique UNI-rivet system with its provision to allow the faced freedom to expand and contract does not compromise on the excellent fire rating of our material.

On a wooden substructure
The panel is face attached to the substructure by means of our UNI-screws that can match the colour of the panel.

You want an invisible fixing?
Façades designed with an invisible fixing are of the highest technical and aesthetic standard Our supported anchor systems do not compromise on the fire rating of our material.
Different possibilities are available, and the choice depends on factors like, thickness of the panel, type of substructure, the windload and the general complexity of the project. We can support you in selecting the right option for your project!
With the FISCHER FZP-K (Tergo + ) system
Undercut anchors are used to attach hangers or profiles to the back of an 8 or 12mm panel to fix them onto a metal or wooden substructure.

With the Keil Tergo system
Undercut anchors are used to attach hangers or profiles to the back of a 12mm panel to fix them on a metal substructure.

With the SFS TUF-S system
Straight anchors are used to attach hangers or profiles to the back of an 8 or 12mm panel to fix them onto a metal or wooden substructure.

This above overview only illustrates the unlimited design possibilities of EQUITONE façade panels and their fixing systems. For the detailed façade planning and installation, we refer to our in-depth planning document, “EQUITONE Planning & Application”.